Year : 2010
Medium : Oil on canvas
Dimensions : 30 x 60 in (76.2 x 152.4 cm)
Availability : original sold
The original conceptual painting “If the Shoe fits” was taken from a point in history where civil rights may have been a whisper in the wind among few.
The idea of not being able to sell a shoe if it had previously been tried on by a person of color predominantly occurred in the southern states of the U.S. . African Americans were required to trace their feet in order to be fitted for shoes . The painting conveys a moment of acceptance to some degree, yet the anticipation of the newer shoes remain the focal point in her mind .
Key points : The sign stating (whites only) has been repainted to read (coloreds welcomed). The readily available x-ray unit also remained unusable to patrons of color.
If the shoe fits, wear it
If a description applies to you, then accept it .
This expression is often used when something derogatory is said about a person who then complains to a third party. The third party, if they agree with the original negative comment, might suggest “If the shoe fits, then wear it”. An example of that might be:
” I am not racist, I allowed anyone despite the color of their skin to purchase shoes from my establishment”. However you will not allow everyone to try them on, If the shoe fits…
The limited edition reproduction is sold out and unavailable in any other published form.